Social Distancing and Contact Tracing.
Help employees return to the workplace safely when interactions are unavoidable.
Until there is a vaccine for the coronavirus, social distancing will be required as we get back to work and try to return to some level of normalcy. And for those not yet immune, contact tracing is needed to help prevent flare-ups.
What is Social Distancing?
Social distancing (also called physical distancing) is one way to help slow the spread of viruses and can help protect the people in our community who are most at risk of getting really sick from COVID-19.
What is Contact Tracing?
Contact tracing is a process used to understand how an infectious disease is spreading. Contact tracing has two purposes: to figure out who a sick person caught an illness from, and to find out who they’ve been in contact with while infectious
What's the solution
Our Social Distancing and Contact Tracing Solutions use a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device (tag) worn by employees to help enforce the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for social distancing and automates contact tracing.
The tags communicate with each other autonomously, without supervisory control. Data collected by the tags is communicated to our cloud-based software system, which analyzes contact information and manages the tags.
Solution Benefits
- Fast, affordable, simple to use
- Deployed in hours, not weeks, months or years
- Small sleek tags worn as wrist straps, pendants or key fobs
- Long lasting battery life that is field replaceable
- Easy sanitisation of the tags
- Centralised cloud or on premise management
- Distance and duration settings
- Analytics tools for behaviors and trends
- Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 4.X and 5.X supporting multiple use cases
- Integrates securely with government databases and 3rd party applications
What's the challenge
Until there is a vaccine for the coronavirus, social distancing will be required as we get back to work and try to return to some level of normalcy. And for those not yet immune, contact tracing is needed to help prevent flare-ups.
We help enforce distancing guidelines and maintains a record of interactions to help return people to the workplace safely, where interactions are unavoidable.
Allowing employees return to the workplace safely.
What's the result
Your teams are eager to return to the workplace, but want to do so knowing they are taking the necessary precautions. Our Social Distancing and Contact Tracing solution will reinforce best practices and avoid virus flare ups to help keep employees safe and keep the curve flat.
How it works
Our tags use a unique feature of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) that detects other BLE devices in the area. When people come within six feet of each other for a period of time, the device makes an audible chirp and a record of the contact is made in the enterprise grade software system. Triggers for tag distances and event durations are configurable.
The enterprise platform maintains reports and supports custom workflows for alerts and report generation. Platform analytics provide a view into behavior trends, potential hot spots, and reports at individual, group and department levels.
Our tags communicate with the platform using existing small BLE gateways position around your office. If required, we can also work with you to securely integrate with government databases and third-party applications.
We offer a safe transition back to work solution protecting your staff and customers
Reducing Contagions Starts Here
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